Become a Contributor


Join Top Five Buzz and become a member of an AWESOME Travel Blogging platform.

We already have some of the best writers who are contributing high quality and valuable travel experiences, guides, travel photo or video content for readers of Top Five Buzz. We are highly choosy on this regard. To maintain the standard of writing, we have fixed some guidelines for our contributors.

  1. All posts must be at least of 600 words. (Content words count over 800 or 1000 has higher chances for approval.) The post may contain relevant images and videos.
  2. Travel guides, trekking experience, photo blogging, travelogue contents are highly recommended.
  3. Any reference outbound link can be allowed if it goes appropriately with the theme and information in the content. Note that all content body links should be placed for better user experience, and not for any promotional purpose.
  4. The post must have a unique author bio. You can including an outbound link of your blog or website which is optional.

How to approach for a contributor account?

  1. Just Register Here
  2. You can connect with Facebook also.
  3. If you are registering with your email, after register you will get a mail with activation link. Please check your email (index or spam folder)
  4. Activate your account after clicking the activation link.
  5. After that go to submit page and click one of the submission format and log in to submit there.
  6. You need to complete your author profile with all details.
  7. Post your first submission and submit it for review.

Read our posting rules and guidelines

What’s Next?

Now wait for 48 hours, so we can go through your writing. If it is written as per our guidelines and quality level, we will approved it and you will get the published url as a email notification.

Sounds great right!? Well it is, because if your first content get our approval then we will give you author access, so you can publish your next content any time.

So, let’s start some awesome travel blogging by registering us. To get the contact info, writing guidelines and login page. please visit our Write for us page.